Participatory Approach to Urban Planning in Slum Neighbourhoods of the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince

Working paper
, 52 pages
PDF (413.4 KB)
Published: December 2017

This paper by Anna Calogero, Paola Flores, Benjamin Biscan, and Silvere Jarrot of ESA Consultance in Haiti makes a valuable contribution to the second of these themes – AAP. By analysing the nature and quality of public participation in four urban planning projects following the earthquake of 2010, the paper demonstrates the benefits that may be accrued from participatory approaches, while also providing examples of the challenges associated with public participation. The paper contains valuable lessons for humanitarian and development organisations planning participatory approaches in the recovery phase of urban crises.

Cite this publication

Calogero, A., Biscan, B. and Jarrot, S. (2017). Participatory Approach to Urban Planning in Slum Neighbourhoods of the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince. IIED, London.
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