PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 13 PRA with street children in Nepal

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1996
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01620

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 13 PRA with street children in Nepal Rachel Baker also to obtain results of use to policy Introduction makers, programme workers and children. This account outlines why and how I used certain PRA techniques for research on the Rationale for the PRA approach health, backgrounds and life-styles of street children in Kathmandu, Nepal. I then assess the The PRA approach, yielding both qualitative process of data collection and results generated and quantitative data, provides scope for the for their impact on the children's livelihoods. collection and comparison of health issues identified by street children (Baker et al, 1996). Research with street children in Kathmandu For example, in the final stages of research began in 1993 as part of a multi-disciplinary several sources of data relating to the health of study of urban and rural children in Nepal. We street children were available, including the compared the growth status, family background comparative study of growth status (Panter- and lifestyle of street children with urban Brick et al, 1996), records kept by two NGO squatter children, privileged urban school clinics1 of the numbers of cases of particular children and rural village children (Baker et al, conditions ...

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(1996). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 13 PRA with street children in Nepal. .
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