PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 2 PRA for risk reduction: lessons from Mozambique

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1996
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01609

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 2 PRA for risk reduction: lessons from Mozambique Ailsa Holloway and Diane Lindsey Introduction field experience with refugee returnees in Tete Province, Mozambique. Today we are acutely aware that community participation is key to the success of Background and methods used development programmes. But what about community involvement in, and after, disasters? The community in Tete is in the process of re- For example, what about the hundreds of establishing itself after several years in refugee thousands of internally displaced and refugee camps in neighbouring countries. As part of the Mozambicans who returned to villages rehabilitation process, a number of outside destroyed after nearly two decades of organisations have developed programmes to hostilities? Are the communities affected by put these communities back on their feet. events such as these merely passive recipients However, it seems that many of these of aid? Have they become so dependent on programmes were carried out without a outside help that they are disinterested in taking complete picture of the area' s risk profile measures themselves which could help them be (especially the fact that it is drought-prone). better prepared? Moreover, there appeared to be little understanding of the ...

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(1996). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 2 PRA for risk reduction: lessons from Mozambique. .
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