Social protection to enhance climate resilience: what works where?

IIED Briefing
, 4 pages
PDF (121.09 KB)
Published: April 2022
ISBN: 9781784319571
Product code:20821IIED

Lower- and middle-income countries spend more than US$500 billion a year on social protection, a core development approach for reducing poverty and creating growth and social cohesion. As countries recover from and learn to live with COVID-19, and progress their efforts to meet global and national development goals, there is an opportunity to ensure social protection programmes contain a workable climate resilience element, providing an effective strategy for building resilience to climate shocks. Based on a full economic assessment of social assistance instruments and funding options across 122 countries, this briefing presents evidence of what works to help policymakers create effective, resilient social protection programming and international donors and development partners to better understand how they can help countries support their most vulnerable citizens. 

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Bharadwaj, R. (2022). Social protection to enhance climate resilience: what works where?. IIED, London.
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