The Ruvuma Elephant Project, Tanzania

Report (part)
PDF (224.14 KB)
Published: February 2015
Product code:G04338
Source publication:
Conservation, crime and communities, published by IIED (2015)

Remarkable results in reducing elephant poaching in the Selous–Niassa wildlife corridor are attributed to a strategy that is built on extensive community participation, intelligence-led and involves multiple-agencies.

The Ruvuma Elephant Project (REP) covers a 2,500,000 ha area of Tanzania between two protected areas: the Selous Game Reserve, in the south of the country and the Niassa National Reserve, just across the border, in Mozambique.

This case study was originally prepared as a background document for the symposium “Beyond enforcement: Communities, governance, incentives and sustainable use in combating wildlife crime”, held in South Africa from 26 to 28 February 2015.

The case study was originally published as part of the compilation Conservation, crime and communities, published by IIED (2015) (ISBN: 978-1-78431-140-7)

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, . and Lotter, W. (2015). The Ruvuma Elephant Project, Tanzania. .
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