Extracts from `Teach Yourself Citizens' Juries: A handbook by the DIY Jury Steering Group' (PLA Notes 49)

Journal (part) article
PDF (211.93 KB)
Published: April 2004
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G02087
Source publication:
PLA Notes 49: Decentralisation and community-based planning

A short overview of a booklet and video that introduce the concept of Citizen Juries, and how they can be set up and run to enable communities to examine and debate key issues that are affecting them. The University of Newcastle's Policy, Ethics and Life Sciences Programme produce both resources.

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, . (2004). Extracts from `Teach Yourself Citizens' Juries: A handbook by the DIY Jury Steering Group' (PLA Notes 49). .
Available at https://www.iied.org/g02087