PLA as a tool in participant process-orientated evaluation in the field of drug prevention psychiatry in Norway

Journal (part) article
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Published: June 2000
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01887

Document begins: PLA as a tool in participant 8 process-orientated evaluation in the field of drug prevention psychiatry in Norway Nina Foss and Liv Aune Introduction meeting, to discuss the future of the community for Participatory Learning and Action approaches in Norway example, it is likely that only a small number of people will have developed during the last five years, initiated by show up. The people who do attend are mostly those that people who experienced such ways of working in the have particular interests, are educated or are known to be South. The experience of participatory approaches as a tool very active in the community. The people who usually do of empowerment in the Southern context made us want to not speak up, will not participate to get their say. learn more about it ourselves and to try it out in the fields where we worked in the far North. Participatory When we started working with participatory processes, we approaches in Norway, as far as we know, have mainly been applied them to fields where people experience common used in the health, community, education, and youth work problems or interest areas. Our aim has been to facilitate sectors. The ...

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(2000). PLA as a tool in participant process-orientated evaluation in the field of drug prevention psychiatry in Norway. .
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