PLA Notes 37 February 2000 2 Trading places, trading ideas': Review of the second Dare-to-Share Fair' on participatory development

Journal (part) article
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Published: February 2000
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01857

Document begins: PLA Notes 37 February 2000 2 `Trading places, trading ideas': Review of the second `Dare-to-Share Fair' on participatory development Marc P. Lammerink, Bram Posthumus and Willem van Weperen Share Fair of Participatory Development ! Introduction Approaches'. It was decided that Fairs would be held in the `homes' of European donors in different countries to state the case for The formal atmosphere of the foyer and participation. conference hall at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, home to the Netherlands The first Dare To Share Fair was held in 1995 Development Agency DGIS, found itself in the German town of Eschborn, the home transformed. Based in The Hague, The base of the German Agency for Technical Netherlands, on an average day the ministry Cooperation (GTZ). This event was described building, would have people quietly cruising as a success. The second Fair would be through, but on the 13th and 14th October 1999, organised in the building of another major it contained a noisy, bustling and at times, donor, DGIS, the Dutch government's quite festive, market place. The subject of the development aid agency. It took some time to event was sharing experiences around organise this, as the organisers explained: ...

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(2000). PLA Notes 37 February 2000 2 Trading places, trading ideas': Review of the second Dare-to-Share Fair' on participatory development. .
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