Power Tools

Book (whole)
, 67 pages
PDF (5.15 KB)
Published: April 2005
ISBN: 9781843695417
Product code:9513IIED

The management of natural resources is routine for many people, but the majority do not have the opportunity to contribute to the policies and institutions that govern their use. The Power Tools initiative aims to close this gap. Coordinated by IIED in partnership with NGOs and policy researchers in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, the initiative develops and shares tools, tactics and approaches to ensure policy influence for change. The Resource Box contains the Power Tools: Handbook to a set of tools and resources to counter marginalisation in natural resource management and 26 reference cards. The Resource Box will be released in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish in late April 2005.

(Power Tools Resource Box includes the Handbook and 26 quick reference cards.)

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Vermeulen, S. (2005). Power Tools. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/9513iied