Plans fonciers ruraux : Conditions de pertinence des systèmes d'identification et d'enregistrement des droits coutumiers

Issue paper
, 24 pages
PDF (199.94 KB)
Published: January 2004
Drylands Issue Paper
ISBN: 9781843694939
Product code:9301IIED

Can identifying and recording customary rights contribute to the securing of these rights? This paper looks at this question by describing the aims and content of rural land plan tools, looking at experiences in different countries and seeing how they contribute to securing land tenure. Case studies are from Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Benin and Guinea.

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Chauveau, J. (2004). Plans fonciers ruraux : Conditions de pertinence des systèmes d'identification et d'enregistrement des droits coutumiers. .
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