People-oriented Approaches in Global Conservation: Is the leopard changing its spots?

Reports/papers (non-specific)
, 80 pages
PDF (461.97 KB)
Published: January 2002
Institutionalising Participation
ISBN: 9781843690368
Product code:9134IIED

Whereas local people were once considered a threat to nature and were often removed from protected areas, many international and national conservation organisations now promote a wide range of people-oriented conservation approaches. Despite these changes, this paper suggests that we should be cautious about claiming that ‘participation’ has been mainstreamed in global conservation programmes. Drawing mainly on case studies from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the author suggests that organisational structures, fundraising imperatives, dominant conservation narratives, and western environmental values all work against the ‘leopard changing its spots’.

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Jeanrenaud, S. and Pimbert, M. (2002). People-oriented Approaches in Global Conservation: Is the leopard changing its spots?. .
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