Use of Environmental Functions to Evaluate Management Strategies for the Pagbilao Mangrove Forest, The

Working paper
PDF (775.91 KB)
Published: January 1997
ISBN: 9781843691808
Product code:8134IIED

This paper links information supplied by ecologists to the information required for effective and efficient mangrove management. A key problem faced by ecologists is the high degree of interconnectedness within and between ecosystems, thus the concept of 'environmental function' is used in combination with systems diagrams to address this problem. Systems diagrams are used to identify and assess goods and services produced by the ecosystem under different management regimes. These goods and services are then valued to facilitate an assessment of the economic efficiency of alternative managemment regimes.

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Gilbert, A. and Janssen, R. (1997). Use of Environmental Functions to Evaluate Management Strategies for the Pagbilao Mangrove Forest, The. .
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