Economic Importance of Wild Resources in the Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands, Nigeria, The

Working paper
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Published: January 1997
ISBN: 9781843691785
Product code:8132IIED

This paper presents the results of a training workshop and field study undertaken to assess the economic importance of the major wild resources harvested within the Wetlands. The paper also explores the use of participatory appraisal techniques to investigate economic values; the aim is to increase understanding of local economic activities and provide new information for development planning in the region. Analysis of different values, including financial versus economic costs and benefits, and returns to labour, are complemented by extensive qualitative information on resource use.

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Eaton, D. and Sarch, M. (1997). Economic Importance of Wild Resources in the Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands, Nigeria, The. .
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