Shifting Cultivation in Vietnam: Its social economic and environmental values relative to alternative land use

Reports/papers (non-specific)
, 74 pages
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Published: January 1994
Forestry and Land Use Series
ISBN: 9781843690993
Product code:7505IIED

One of the outputs of a research project considering shifting cultivation in Thailand, Lao PDR and Vietnam. It presents an up-to-date assessment of the status and dynamics of shifting cultivation in Vietnam, and considers how recent implementation of policies - such as land allocation - have affected upland land use. The study found, for example, that the extent of unsustainable pioneer cultivation is increasing in parts of Vietnam. Results of field assessments are related to indices of economic, environmental and social sustainability. The report includes summary guidelines on the sustainability of shifting cultivation and its alternatives.

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Sam, D. (1994). Shifting Cultivation in Vietnam: Its social economic and environmental values relative to alternative land use. .
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