Sustainable Cities Revisited

Journal (whole)
, 276 pages
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Published: January 1998
Environment and Urbanization
ISBN: 9781843690917
Product code:7055IIED

Case studies of innovative local agenda 21s in Manizales (Colombia) and Chimbote (Peru) and of a Peru-wide programme to support local agenda 21s in many Peruvian cities ~A review of 'localizing agenda 21' programmes in Nakuru (Kenya), Essaouira (Morocco) and Vinh City (Vietnam). ~Measures to avoid anti-poor solutions to Mumbai's transport problems ~An overview of how urban agriculture has changed over time in and around Mexico City and the economic and ecological advantages it provides ~The environmental impact of the city of Bamenda's rapid growth in Cameroon ~Innovative waste management in Manila (working with the waste-pickers) and in Cotonou (Benin) ~A critical review of the concept of 'sustainability'. ~An analysis of how the military and the 'population control' lobby mis-represent the causes of environmental degradation to justify their roles and a critical review of the management of urban services in Buenos Aires, over the last century and a case study on street homelessness in Johannesburg.

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