Urban Poverty II: From Understanding to Action

Journal (whole)
, 266 pages
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Published: January 1995
Environment and Urbanization
ISBN: 9781843690856
Product code:7028IIED

For more information see www.environmentandurbanization.org

All but the last four issues of this journal are free online.
Recent issues require a subscription to view the articles although the editorial and summaries are free to download (see below)

Includes papers on urban poverty in Abidjan, Dhaka, Brazil, Nairobi, the Pacific and Khartoum and also on how municipal interventions can address poverty. Also papers on how the middle classes were squeezed in Latin America during the 1980s, on housing markets in La Paz and on Chile's housing policy. Also, two papers on participatory tools and methods and profile of the Orangi Pilot Project in Pakistan.

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(1995). Urban Poverty II: From Understanding to Action. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/7028iied