Regenerating Agriculture

Book (whole)
, 320 pages
PDF (5.15 KB)
Published: March 1995
ISBN: 1853831980
Product code:5135IIED

It is becoming increasingly clear that a more sustainable agriculture can bring economic, environmental and social benefits to farmers, communities and nations. This book draws together for the first time new empirical evidence from a diverse range of agroecological and community settings to show the impacts of more sustainable practices. Twenty cases demonstrating widespread success from Brazil, Burkina Faso, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mexico, Peru, Philippines and Sri Lanka are presented, and are supported by field- and community-level data from more than 50 projects and programmes in 28 countries. Despite this emerging evidence, farmers are still ëlocked' into modernist approaches to agriculture with their dependency on high levels of external inputs. The basic aim for Regenerating Agriculture, therefore, is to identify the common elements of success and show how to replicate them widely.

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Pretty, J. (1995). Regenerating Agriculture. .
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