Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development in Kenya

Research report
PDF (651.42 KB)
Published: December 2014
ISBN: 9781784310943
Product code:10101IIED

The application of TAMD in Kenya has focused on strengthening local adaptation planning in Isiolo County in support of Kenya’s National Climate Change Action Plan. TAMD was applied in Isiolo to develop scorecards for county and ward institutions to assess climate risk management. The TAMD methodology was also used to develop a ward-level M&E system that tracked the development outcomes of adaptation interventions funded by the Isiolo County Adaptation Fund. When testing TAMD, participatory methods were important to foster engagement with actors at sub-national and community levels. Active participation by local stakeholders generated new knowledge and learning for policymakers, and enhanced local ownership over adaptation decision-making.

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Karani, I., Kariuki, N. and Osman, F. (2014). Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development in Kenya. .
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