Beyond enforcement: communities, governance, incentives and sustainable use in combating wildlife crime

Event materials (non-specific)
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Published: January 2015
Product code:G03872

Symposium, Draft Programme, 26th – 28th February 2015, South Africa

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi), the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the Austrian Ministry for the Environment, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED) and TRAFFIC are holding a symposium to explore the roles of communities, governance, incentives and sustainable use in combating illegal wildlife trade.

This symposium seeks to evaluate whether and under what circumstances community-based interventions are likely to achieve success in combating current patterns of illegal use and trade of wildlife (both plants and animals), and provide examples, lessons learnt and guidance in order to support governments, institutions and organisations in meeting relevant international commitments.

Outputs of the meeting will be presented at the inter-governmental Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in Kasane, Botswana, in March 2015.

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IIED (2015). Beyond enforcement: communities, governance, incentives and sustainable use in combating wildlife crime. .
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