NBSAPs 2.0: Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Development. Third International Workshop, July 2014

Event/workshop report
PDF (1.71 MB)
Published: September 2014
Product code:G03827

The third international workshop of the NBSAPs 2.0: Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Development project (2012-2015) brought together professionals and practitioners from African countries and international institutions working in the environment, finance, and social and development sectors to: share key lessons and best practice from the NBSAPs revision process; explore what successful mainstreaming looks like and how it can be assessed; and prepare for the challenges of integrating new NBSAPs targets into National Development Plans, sector plans and policies. This report summarises the~proceedings.

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Thomas, J. (2014). NBSAPs 2.0: Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Development. Third International Workshop, July 2014. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/g03827