They are shouting it whenever they can Beyond invited participation: the power of popular communications

Journal (part) article
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Published: October 2000
Product code:G01910

Document begins: They are shouting it whenever they can Beyond invited participation: 6 the power of popular communications Joanna Howard and Patta Scott-Vi l l i e r s Lo estan gritando participation, popular communications have long served Siempre que pueden as a way in which people have voiced discontent and Lo andan pintando disquiet with the status quo, as well to affirm cultural Por las paredes identity, autonomy and self-expression. Masquerades were Que la ignorancia no te niegue used, for example, in colonial Benin to ridicule the identity Que no trafique el mercader tags that the French forced their colonial subjects to wear. Con lo que un pueblo quiere ser In Zimbabwe's second Chimurenga war in the 1970s, music played an important part in the pungwes that They are shouting it brought people together in the struggle for liberation. The Whenever they can banning, torture and exiling of writers, artists, theatre They are painting it directors and musicians from countries where repressive On the walls governments saw them as a threat, is an indication of the May ignorance not deny you power of popular communications for democratic May the merchant not trade transformation. What a people want to be Drawing ...

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(2000). They are shouting it whenever they can Beyond invited participation: the power of popular communications. .
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