REFLECT in Canada: pebbles in the sand

Journal (part) article
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Published: June 2000
Product code:G01897

Document begins: REFLECT in Canada: 18 pebbles in the sand Desiree Lopez Introduction train new facilitators, in conjunction with the REFLECT Mother Manual. Table 1 outlines a few of the basic issues Pebbles in the Sand is an English as a Second Language (ESL) identified by the Canadian facilitators Literacy programme that was initiated by the Calgary Immigrant Women's Association (CIWA) in July 1999. The The ESL component of the programme was the biggest President of CIWA's Board of Directors (1999-2000) brought issue regarding adaptation of the REFLECT approach. We the REFLECT Mother Manual1 into the agency in order to adopted the strategies and ideology behind REFLECT but examine the potential effect the REFLECT methodology the skills we were dealing with were completely different, could have on addressing the needs of multi-barriered since ESL literacy and first language literacy are two very learners. The REFLECT Mother Manual was developed by different areas. Participants for Pebbles in the Sand came ActionAid UK in order to increase the literacy and from various countries (Sudan, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, empowerment skills of men and women facing disparity. Eritrea, etc.). Their fluency in the language of facilitation (English) was often very low, and the skills and ...

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