PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 9 Tips for trainers: matrix ranking of PRA tools

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1999
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01854

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 9 Tips for trainers: matrix ranking of PRA tools John Rowley Introduction Procedure The use of a PRA tool to assess PRA tools 1. Start as if facilitating a matrix ranking within the context of a training course exercise with the entire group. Brainstorm provides an opportunity to look at the effects a list of all the PRA tools that have been of a tool on an insider and to assess the used in the training course and during learning of the trainees during the training practice sessions. Arrange these in a course. It also emphasises that PRA tools can vertical column. be used in almost any situation and need not 2. Get the group to start to produce a list of be confined to appraisal interviews in rural criteria. Use questions such as: `How do situations. The exercise should be done when you choose between the different tools?' the trainees have some experience of using a `What are the differences between the range of tools in a number of different tools that you consider when deciding situations. This may normally fall at the end of what to do next?'. Set out the criteria ...

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(1999). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 9 Tips for trainers: matrix ranking of PRA tools. .
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