PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 Snapshots from Deepening our Understanding and Practice: a conference on participatory development and beyond'. August 25-27, 1999, Ottawa, Canada

Journal (part) article
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Published: August 1999
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01853

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 8 Snapshots from `Deepening our Understanding and Practice: a conference on participatory development and beyond'. August 25-27, 1999, Ottawa, Canada Françoise Coupal; Bruce Lagace, Barbara Shaw, Susan Rimkus, Helen Patterson, Tag A. Elkhazin, Robert Verbruggen, Shyma K. Bhurtel, Carlton Sulwe and Maritha Snyman Introduction fallen short of expectations. For example, what is the link between participation, Over 425 participants from 48 countries poverty alleviation, empowerment and converged on Ottawa, Canada to deepen their equity? What are the key links between understanding and practice of participatory gender and participation and how development. The conference, organised and effectively has social analysis been hosted by the Participatory Development (PD) integrated into participatory approaches? Forum, brought together a diversity of actors: What innovative approaches, tools or popular educators, grassroots activists, techniques have been tried and what have development professionals, donors, academics been the results? What are the current and and youth from the North and the South. This potential limitations facing organisations three day international conference was meant seeking to institutionalise participation in to inspire critical reflections on the successes their organisation. and failures of participatory development, as well as share experiences and skills for · The Future: ...

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(1999). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 8 Snapshots from Deepening our Understanding and Practice: a conference on participatory development and beyond'. August 25-27, 1999, Ottawa, Canada. .
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