PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 10 Convincing people to pay for water: Nkouondja in Cameroon

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1999
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01834

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 10 Convincing people to pay for water: Nkouondja in Cameroon Andrew Tayong and Christine Poubom · Introduction These men like that are not serious. We contribute money, but they do not write it Nkouondja village in Cameroon was suffering down and afterwards they said we never from a collapsed water management contributed'. Although the PAR team could committee and a water supply system that have gone straight into solving the problem, functioned only partially. It is now they preferred the people to do it themselves and learn from it, which was the main transformed into a system that wins the principle governing the experimentation confidence of donors and serves as a famous concept in the project. example in the area. The changes in management, and the rehabilitation of the physical system, were as a result of the In Nkoundja, a village walk helped to make experimental approach taken by the PAR community members aware of how they had (Participatory Action Research), which neglected and abused their water resources. Lots of leaking valves and dysfunctional allowed people themselves to develop sections of the system were observed. Even improved approaches to fund raising, good chemical cans ...

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(1999). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 10 Convincing people to pay for water: Nkouondja in Cameroon. .
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