PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 18 Empowering trainers: an experience from Bangladesh The REFLECT trainers' forum

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1998
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01778

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 18 Empowering trainers: an experience from Bangladesh The REFLECT trainers' forum Habibur Rahman and Serajud Dahar Khan Introduction · the quality of REFLECT programmes was inconsistent and some were In Bangladesh, after a successful REFLECT mechanistically applying material from the pilot project on Bhola Island, a scaled-up REFLECT Mother Manual without project was started in November 1995. This changing or adapting it the context; involved setting up a REFLECT Co-ordination · training support was inadequate and too Unit (RCU) in Dhaka, which would provide centralised. For example, one person, the training and support to a diverse range of REFLECT Training Co-ordinator in NGOs, who were interested in REFLECT. Its Dhaka, was responsible for the capacity prime concerns were: development of REFLECT personnel across the whole country, through the · promoting and popularising REFLECT various RIOs; in Bangladesh; · there were no opportunities being created · ensuring that REFLECT continued to for the trainers to share their experiences link literacy effectively with an and problems, or for them to be updated empowerment process oriented towards with new ideas and innovations generated sustainable development; elsewhere; and, · providing training for REFLECT · trainers were often isolated ...

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(1998). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 18 Empowering trainers: an experience from Bangladesh The REFLECT trainers' forum. .
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