PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 10 How can REFLECT be used widely without diluting the participatory nature of the process?

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1998
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01770

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 10 How can REFLECT be used widely without diluting the participatory nature of the process? Sara Cottingham · Spread too thinly? suggest that there may be many REFLECT programmes, which are not in, touch with others. This is the question that REFLECT practitioners have been facing ever since the These `facts and figures' show a very rapid launch of REFLECT nearly two years ago. It is spread of REFLECT. During the first year a key question for all advocates of after the launch, the activities of resource participatory methods as they become people involved with the original three pilot increasingly popular within agencies of widely programmes were largely reactive, including: varying political interests and capacities. This article tells the story of the spread of · two-week regional training workshops REFLECT and some of the lessons being where people from different countries learnt as this takes place. requested training either through the UK or through ACTIONAID in other At the heart of the REFLECT process is a collective analysis of social and economic countries. The majority of these were in Africa. Training was also done in national issues interwoven with literacy. The analysis is workshops; ...

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(1998). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 10 How can REFLECT be used widely without diluting the participatory nature of the process?. .
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