PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 1 Comparing transect walks with experts and local people

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1998
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01744

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 1 Comparing transect walks with experts and local people Ishmail Mahiri Introduction groups which I conducted subsequently with women will redress this imbalance in my final study. A transect walk in PRA is normally conducted by a mixed group of local people and visiting The transect with `experts' professionals. As part of a study of the interface between `locals' and `experts', I walked the same two transects on different The transects with `experts' were arranged to occasions with a `local' group and an `expert' take one full day. We set off from Kisumu group, recording their reactions to the same Town using a borrowed government vehicle. walks and similar questions. Such an approach The first transect was to cross Awasi Location can illuminate areas of agreement, in the Eastern edge of Nyando Division, and disagreement and conflict. This paper the second was to cross Kochogo Location. compares the transects with `experts' and local Each transect measured a distance of about 8 people. km. The two transect sites were about 12 km apart (Figure 1). Altogether, there were four My study concerns fuelwood use in Nyando stops along each transect, the stops being Division, Kisumu ...

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(1998). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 1 Comparing transect walks with experts and local people. .
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