PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 15 From invisible work to collective action: research and participation with women from the fishing communities of the Amazonian coast

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1997
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01735

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 15 From invisible work to collective action: research and participation with women from the fishing communities of the Amazonian coast Maria-Luzia Miranda Alvares and Maria-Cristina Maneschy Introduction Since we joined WIF, we have encouraged the organisation and political participation of women. The methodology includes: This article describes a project, which started in November 1995, at the Philosophy and · the provision of useful information and Human Sciences Centre the Federal University opportunities for discussing the problems of Pará (UFPA-Brazil). The project aimed to of families who depend on fishing; characterise the roles of women in the families · the dissemination of research data in the of local fishers, in the fishing productive localities; and, system and in the fishing communities. · the promotion of technical and political Usually these roles are not visible, as women training courses. undertake multiple activities and, especially in the rural areas, many of their tasks are The coast of Pará ~ undertaken outside the commercial sphere and are geared towards producing goods for the family. On the coast of the State of Pará, fishing is an important activity. It is estimated that 55% of The objective of connecting research ...

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(1997). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 15 From invisible work to collective action: research and participation with women from the fishing communities of the Amazonian coast. .
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