PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 7 Consensus or cover-up? the limitations of group meetings

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1995
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01596

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 7 Consensus or cover-up? the limitations of group meetings Johan Pottier and Patrick Orone Introduction mapping, seasonal calendars, daily activity profiles, small group discussions, problem Wera-Angole in Soroti District, eastern ranking, income or expenditure pie charts, Uganda is an area marked by two dramatic Venn diagramming, transect walks and market recent events: the end of the insurgency in visits) and then ranked according to their 1991 and the virtual collapse of the area's perceived magnitude. The stress factors fell agricultural base. Reasons for the collapse into three areas: include the loss of all cattle following 1. the inability to benefit from markets and extensive cattle raids by the neighbouring to boost cash flows; Karimojong, the demise of the cotton market following mismanagement in the marketing 2. the changing nature of the resource base cooperatives, and the outbreak of cassava (loss of cattle, reduced production of food mosaic. crops and cotton, loss of valuable trees); and, 3. institutional constraints (such as the lack In 1993 the Food Systems Under Stress of adequate support services). (FSUS) project1 held a participatory research workshop in Wera-Angole to help understand how food insecure groups and individuals The findings made ...

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(1995). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 7 Consensus or cover-up? the limitations of group meetings. .
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