PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 3 PRA and raised expectations: potentials and pitfalls

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1995
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01556

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 3 PRA and raised expectations: potentials and pitfalls Richard Edwards Introduction uses a range of ways to ensure the development of analytical skills and the mutual sharing of knowledge and aspirations As PRA is increasingly used and promoted, it so that communities are actively involved with runs the risk of simply being seen as a one-off diagnostic tool or as a necessary component outsiders in guiding the development process. for getting proposals approved. There is also a tendency to see the output only in terms of a Often concerns are voiced about the dangers of set of diagrams. raising communities' expectations as a result of PRA. The diagram below (Box 1) shows one example of how the participants of a But PRA is not just a one-off diagnostic training workshop held in Pakistan evaluated exercise, rather it is an attitude of mind their perceptions of the strengths and governing how we interact with others throughout the process of development. It weaknesses of PRA: 1 Source: PLA Notes (1995), Issue 22, pp.17­19, IIED London PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 Without exception, participants expressed staff. Raised expectations can generate concern that carrying out PRA raised too many ...

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(1995). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 3 PRA and raised expectations: potentials and pitfalls. .
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