PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 Editorial

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1994
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01483

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 Editorial: training for learning Introduction not the same thing. Teaching is the normal mode in curricula; it underpins the transfer of For the occasion of the joint IIED/IDS technology model of research; and it is central "Beyond Farmer First: Rural Peoples' to many organisational structures (Ison, 1990; Knowledge, Agricultural Research and Bawden, 1994). Universities and other Extension Practice" workshop, held in agricultural institutions reinforce the teaching paradigm by giving the impression that they October 1992, Robert Chambers and I wrote are custodians of knowledge which can be about the need to move towards a new dispensed or given (usually by lecture) to a learning paradigm for agriculture and rural development. This would mean a quest for recipient (a student). But teaching can impede both a new professionalism and new learning. Professionals who are to work with institutional settings in the search for local complexity and diversity need to engage sustainable and participatory futures (Pretty in sensitive learning about the particular conditions of rapid change. Where teaching and Chambers, 1993a, b). does not include a focus on self-development and enhancing the ability to learn, "teaching As many readers will agree, recent years have seen the ...

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(1994). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 Editorial. .
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