PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 10 Interviewing cows

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1992
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01432

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 10 Interviewing cows Kassaye Hadgu, Mohammed Yisehak and Girmay Tekle It is very hard to get information on fertility southern Ethiopia. Farmers' cows were and mortality rates, disease incidence and interviewed in order to learn about cattle livestock management practices in an productivity and disease patterns, so as to extensive livestock production system where better design animal health care and livestock herd productivity and health data are not management programmes in the area. Refer to properly handled or not gathered at all. If you the cartoon for one example of such an ask a farmer: "How many animals died from interview, presented here as a case study. your herd?", he will not tell you the real numbers but what he imagines the figure to be · Kassaye Hadgu, Soddo Zonal Veterinary which will make the interviewer feel sorry for Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, PO him. But interviewing cows can help in Box 82 Wolayta, Soddo, Ethiopia, finding reliable data on this subject. Mohammed Yisehak, and Girmay Tekle. The cow can be asked using the owner as an NOTE `interpreter'. Questions like: "how many times she calved, the years she calved, the fate of her ...

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