PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 5 Direct and indirect uses of wealth ranking in Mongolia

Journal (part) article
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Published: January 1992
Participatory Learning and Action
Product code:G01427

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988­2001 5 Direct and indirect uses of wealth ranking in Mongolia Robin Mearns, D. Shombodon, G. Narangerel, U. Turul, A. Enkhamgalan, B. Myagmarzhav, A. Bayanjargal and B. Bekhsuren This paper describes why and how wealth beginning to answer, questions of relevance to ranking was used in the early stages of a important economic policy decisions. It did collaborative policy research and training much to change attitudes and behaviour project in Mongolia. The Policy Alternatives among the research team members. There are for Livestock Development (PALD) project also signs that after the research team reported aims to facilitate the transition from a to their superiors, some attitude changes were command to a market economy in the started among certain key policy-makers. They extensive livestock sector which dominates the saw the PRA/RRA methods to have facilitated Mongolian rural economy. The training and not only quicker but also better research fieldwork (fully documented in Mearns, 1991) results than the more conventional methods took place during July-September 1991, and they were used to. involved a team of eight researchers from the Mongolian Research Institute of Animal Why wealth ranking? The Husbandry, the Mongolian Institute of research context Agricultural Economics, ...

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(1992). PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 5 Direct and indirect uses of wealth ranking in Mongolia. .
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