Small producers in Latin America: New ways of thinking and acting in markets

Reports/papers (non-specific)
, 40 pages
PDF (1.61 MB)
English, Español
Published: March 2013
ISBN: 9781843699200
Product code:16535IIED

Latin America is a region of diverse countries and agricultural systems but small-scale producers throughout the region share important characteristics that require specific policy interventions, that differ from those of large-scale farming. Organisational arrangements, participation in value chains and cooperatives, valuing of products with cultural identity, free trade agreements – these are all issues that affect small-scale producers in Latin America. Drawing on studies and observations from seven countries of the region – Argentina, Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Peru – this paper discusses these issues and offers insights into how small-scale producers in Latin America are positioning themselves to engage with markets.


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Elsner, D. and Viana, J. (2013). Small producers in Latin America: New ways of thinking and acting in markets . .
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