Affirming Life and Diversity: Rural images and voices on food sovereignty in South India

Book (whole)
, 60 pages
PDF (1.36 MB)
Published: April 2008
Reclaiming Diversity and Citizenship
ISBN: 9781843696742
Product code:14556IIED

Produced by the Community Media Trust, a group of peasant women filmmakers, the series of DVDs included in this resource, is their contribution to action research. Transcending their barrier of non literacy, the women picked up their cameras and microphones and used them as their research tools. The outcome is a fascinating peasant and female vision of the different ways their community has worked towards sustaining their own food systems, dynamically conserved their biodiversity and regenerated livelihoods in a semi arid region. The challenges before the community of 5000 women who compose the Sanghams of DDS and the exciting way they met them forms the content, both visual and narrative, of this DVD series.

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Trust, C., Satheesh, P., Affirming Life and Diversity: Rural images and voices on food sovereignty in South India and Pimbert, M. (2008). Affirming Life and Diversity: Rural images and voices on food sovereignty in South India. .
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