Gleanings on governance: Learning from a two year process of forest policy support to ProAgri

Reports/papers (non-specific)
, 31 pages
PDF (246.06 KB)
Published: January 2004
Product code:13514IIED

Following a two year process of forest policy support to Proagri in Mozambique, a great deal has been learned about how to improve forest governance and how to manage the balance of power between the various interest groups with a stake in forest governance. This report outlines a little of what was gleaned about good forest governance from the tactics which attempted to make forest policy work in Mozambique. We highlight some important issues that needed to be addressed, what worked in the tactics adopted by the DNFFB together with the policy support team, what did not work and what could be done to improve the situation.

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Macqueen, D. and Bila, A. (2004). Gleanings on governance: Learning from a two year process of forest policy support to ProAgri. .
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