The utility of forest ethics: A proposed approach based on field work in Vietnam

Reports/papers (non-specific)
, 21 pages
PDF (259.19 KB)
Published: October 2005
Product code:13506IIED

This paper presents some issues that might be important if ethics are to inform local, national and international debate and policy making in relation to forests, forest products and the livelihoods of forest dependent communities. The paper examines a number of theoretical issues and then uses a case study about the conifer Taiwania cryptomeriodes identified by scientists in Vietnam in 2001. The case study raises questions about different types of value by stakeholders and draws attention to the tension between conservation and use of forest resources. The paper suggests that all global citizens are forest dependent directly or indirectly. It asks whether this situation could be used to broaden and improve current valuational systems for forests, forest products and services.

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O’Reilly, S. (2005). The utility of forest ethics: A proposed approach based on field work in Vietnam. .
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